I had promised myself not to go back to talking about him: Covid.
A bit ‘as a gesture of superstition but instead… it is urgent to talk about it again and quickly too!
Because? Because I am afraid that confusion could take over among all future brides and also among professionals in the sector.
I know how you feel and I want to help you chase away the anxiety.
In fact, in this article I want to share with you all the information that I have been able to collect in recent weeks and the advice that I consider most useful to give you the opportunity to proceed in the best possible way with the organization of your wedding despite the uncertainty in which unfortunately we are living in this. period.
What is happening?

It happens that we do not have answers, and therefore certainties, and that these have returned to generate new anxieties.
Will there be weddings in 2022? Are there new arrangements for weddings in the time of Covid?
Brides are wondering if they will have to postpone again or if it is the right time, and under what conditions.
But let’s take a step back
Last year we were afraid, we experienced a total lockdown, we completely “froze” and we found ourselves postponing because it seemed the right solution, almost obvious. But then, in the summer, we picked up slowly, and we realized, when it was too late, that perhaps it would have been enough to postpone just a few months instead of a whole year – and this precedent alone should teach us something for next season. that awaits us! -.
Last summer we celebrated and still held some beautiful events, despite the restrictions.
If we postpone it now, in a few months we could eat our hands! It is not possible to predict the future and therefore to know already now, in advance, what kind of prohibition or restriction there may be in the coming months; to date we only know the decree in force until next March 5.
Restrictions that were still a bit uncomfortable before, because they were new.
Now, instead, pay attention: we are all used to respecting them and we do it much better.
We always wear the mask, so much that we hardly notice it anymore (except when we wear glasses and go around with half-fogged lenses), we disinfect our hands more often and… compatibly with what we can, we manage to keep a certain distance where requested and reported.
Do you agree with me that probably nowadays it wouldn’t weigh your guests so much to wear a mask?
Another very important aspect of these decisions is the legal and economic question.
Do you know that to date it is not forbidden to contract marriage (intended as a religious and / or civil rite)?
It was banned only during the first total closure of 2020, and it was only in that case that one could speak of impossibility, of force majeure. Now this is no longer the case.
If the couple decides to change the date, or worse still to cancel the event, at this time, it will be considered a strictly personal and subjective motivation. Ergo, professionals can withhold deposits and can also apply penalties or request extras.
So what are the risks if you move (or even cancel) the wedding date now?

- You will almost certainly lose the deposits paid up to now ; always check the contracts signed with your suppliers
- Some professionals have already indicated that they no longer have the possibility to grant new date shifts, that they will invite you to choose a new midweek date or that they will apply extras to the previously agreed price
- Extra that can be requested per se also because for some, see for example we wedding planners, managing the activities of displacement or changes to the project involves work not previously budgeted.
- Professionals who have already provided the service, in full (such as the ateliers) or even partial (such as the wedding planner) will still ask you for the balance of the agreed fee or the part corresponding to the work performed so far.
It is true, it is not pleasant to move an event a few weeks from the date, but moving now that the situation is in constant metamorphosis is really premature and counterproductive, especially for those who will marry in the months from May onwards, precisely by virtue of the fact that they do not you can appeal to causes of force majeure.
Furthermore, we professionals are ready and prepared with respect to what the new distancing provisions may be because we have already tested them last year.