You know all those questions that every bride asks about the actual importance of the Wedding Planner?
On the web or at fairs, you may have happened to have some information, indeed, always the same information.
But where can you find a precise list of the Wedding Planner’s duties or know what are the real reasons that should push every couple to think about contacting her as soon as you decide to get married?
The real reasons to contact a Wedding Planner

On my page of the wedding planning service I summarized a part of what my working method is, but I thought it could be even more useful.
I wanted to get involved and try to go a little further than the usual and obvious reasons that you read about why it is important to rely on a Wedding Planner.
I wanted to tell you what my valid motivations are, but also to listen to you and know your point of view.
So throughout the month of January I posted a reason and my explanation on Instagram.
On Monday, instead, I dedicated it to questions and quizzes and interesting results came out: that there is still a bit of “fog” on what are the real tasks of my figure I expected it, but I was pleasantly surprised. because many readers have told me that they need my help to avoid bad unexpected events and to better manage the preparations, instead of having an original set-up.
Do you know why it is important?
Because we are finally moving away from that ugly and bad habit of associating the Wedding Planner only with the decorative image of the wedding.
To be clear, those who despise (go) our category call us (go) “tassel”.
Okay, maybe even a little bit of our fault, that we often represented our work with a photograph of us portrayed near a table to arrange a ribbon, a menu or a flower.
This is also why I chose to share with you my 20 good reasons to rely on the Wedding Planner
My good 20 reasons to rely on the Wedding Planner

- To help you achieve everything you dream of and also what you still don’t know you want
- so as not to leave space for useless and endless pauses in which guests get bored
- because they supervise the work of all the professionals involved
- because without Wedding Planner very often weddings all look the same
- to have a professional friend you can count on
- because I always have a “plan B”
- to know how to choose already tested professionals
- to manage the unexpected
- to be able to relax immediately, from the preparations to the wedding day
- because they are always with you but never on the front line
- to keep expenses under control
- to have the tools that help manage all the preparations
- not to make you argue with the mother-in-law!
- to have a stylist who tailor your wedding
- to have a guarantee of the final result, as you imagined it
- because you will have all the times and activities marked in a precise way
- to leave an indelible memory in the guests
- to have a guide in every choice you want to share
- to make everyone agree: suppliers, guests and… parents!
- to be able to enjoy the party 100
You liked them? Did you find them useful?
For each of these you can also find my comment / video explanation in my stories featured on instagram under the category “why do you need it”.